LinkedIn Explained

LinkedIn asked us to create a video-first campaign and learning hub that focussed on educating users about key features in their product. They were keen to use short videos that would be augmented by more in-depth articles on the hub. However, our clients also love good creative, and so pushed us to weave humour and simplicity throughout.


Update your profile

What does a dad have to do to keep his LinkedIn profile up to date? Well not much it seems. We aimed to show how simple it is to update your profile even if you have a mischievous child around who is hell-bent on doing it for you!

Open to work

It’s never been easier to switch careers using LinkedIn. Accountant to professional clown? No problem. With this video we wanted to show people how starting that new journey is only a few clicks away with the LinkedIn job search and apply.


On the go?

LinkedIn lets you access messages, job searches and the latest news from the app any time that suits you. Wherever you need to be, LinkedIn is right there with you if need it.

Make it personal

Including a message with your connection requests is a great way to open the door to new opportunities and connections. This spot shows how a sneaky autocorrect creates a very human moment.




We ran a paid social and digital ad campaign in Germany using full length and cut downs of the videos to drive traffic to the hub. I worked with one of our German creative teams to transcreate the concept and ensure the VO choice and performance were perfect. I’ve included the German site below but please shout if you’d like to see the videos or any of the campaign assets.


Google Ireland

